Outdoor Storage Facilities PLAY A Vital ROLE

From tooth paste to the roof shingles. Virtually every product, service, and even utility relies directly or indirectly on the use of outdoor storage facilities to deliver goods, support infrastructure or store its products. Every household consumable, including our food supply, is transported via semi-tractor trailer to the local merchant’s store shelves. The trucks that transport the huge volume of freight we all consume require loading facilities, parking lots, and repair garages to play their vital role in our economy. Roofing materials, masonry products, lumber and many other materials used to construct homes, schools and hospitals are all sourced from suppliers, and assembled by contractors that store material and equipment outdoors. Gas and electric utility providers that heat and power our homes; the cable and phone companies are all major users of facilities that require outdoor storage to store and maintain equipment, materials, and vehicles.

Industrial Outdoor Ventures has a tremendous passion for building and redeveloping best-in-class Industrial Service Facilities. All our properties are professionally managed and designed to serve our users and the communities that host them for the long term. In a property type that relies on storing equipment and materials outdoors, Industrial Outdoor strives to work closely with the community, our tenants and adjacent property owners to ensure all our properties are clean, well maintained and safe. In addition to acquiring existing facilities and doing build-to-suits, we routinely seek out functionally obsolete or neglected facilities in strategic locations and make significant investments to restore a properties function and aesthetics, allowing it to become a productive asset again.

The jobs created by users of Industrial Service Facilities are among the highest paying industrial jobs in today’s economy. The vast majority of these jobs are full-time positions with full benefits that far exceed the living wage. Industrial Service Facilities are economic super engines that facilitate commerce and drive excellent employment opportunities. Typical jobs include: Truck drivers, mechanics of every description, engineers, construction trades people, freight handlers, laborers, clerical and office staff, sales, and management personal.